Get Schooled On These Job Search Secrets

Get Schooled On These Job Search Secrets

School is back in session!

Whether you’re taking classes, or your school days are long behind you, September is a prime time to embrace education—in all aspects of your life! Get inspired by the back-to-school momentum to learn a new skill, sign up for a prep course, or just spend some time researching the tips and tricks that can help you get ahead in your career. One area many applicants could use a hand up in is the job search.

You’ve come to the right place! With more than three decades of experience helping job candidates find and secure the right-fit jobs, Integrity Staffing Solutions has the inside scoop on what can make your job search a standout success. Here are a few lessons to get you started:

Preparation is key:

While it can be tempting to hop right onto a job board and start clicking through open roles, it pays to be prepared. Long before you’re ready to hit “apply,” take a fresh look at your resume and online profiles. Ensure all of your information is up to date and you’re sharing your most valuable and recent skills and experiences. That way, when you are ready to jump at a job, the process will move more seamlessly, and you won’t have to worry about mismatches on your application and resume materials.


Start your search today:

Even if you’re not in the market for a new job, it pays to be looking. It’s still a candidate’s market so, if the right opportunity comes along, you might want to pursue it and see if it’s an even better match than your current gig.


Make yourself available—in lots of ways:

While recruiters may come calling, you can’t count on that! Be proactive. Update your LinkedIn profile to reflect that you’re looking for a job, attend in-person job fairs, and join networking groups. The wider you cast your net, the easier your job search will be.


Rethink networking:

Traditional networking strategies are a thing of the past. Today, it pays to be creative! There are lots of ways to get yourself known within professional circles you want to join. Apply for an internship, sign up to volunteer at community and organizational events or even start your own networking initiative (think, happy hours or community volunteering projects). Networking doesn’t have to be formal; simply touching base and even having fun with other professionals can give you a big leg up in your job search.


Consult the experts:

Whether it’s working with an experienced staffing agency like Integrity Staffing Solutions or getting some extra help from a career coach, leverage the know-how from these experts! That extra boost may just put you one step closer to the career you want.