Know Your Numbers Week-Surprising Staffing Stats

Know Your Numbers Week

If you’re anything like us, you love a good trivia game!

Knowing interesting facts about an array of subjects can not only help you come out as the winner, it’s also a fun ice breaker and conversation starter. And at work, being in the know about your industry can help you get a leg up into your next position.

With Know Your Numbers Week upon us, this is a great time to brush up on your work-related knowledge, particularly about the staffing and hiring industry—a world whose stats are quickly changing as it continues to evolve through the pandemic. So, to stay up to date, here are just a few tidbits about staffing (and about Integrity Staffing Solutions!) that you should keep in your back pocket:

10.7 million: According to recent reports from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this is the number of jobs currently open in the U.S. That means there are plenty of employers eager to hire! Yet, given the pandemic and the massive shifts in the world of work, many experts are forecasting that the open-job rate won’t be budging too much, as workers everywhere realign their priorities and refocus their efforts on finding an organization that fits their values and that offers a culture they’re looking for.

80-plus: This is the number of years the modern staffing industry has been active in the United States. During World War II, as millions of Americans left their jobs to fight overseas and support the war effort, employers were left with significant shortages, leading to the birth of the staffing industry, which has continued to grow and evolve since.

Over 50%: As diversity, equity and inclusion become even more important to today’s employees, we at Integrity Staffing Solutions are proud of the diverse makeup of our workforce. Our leadership team, for instance, is more than 50% women. This number is a prime example of our organization’s commitment to investing in the potential of all of our team members.

3.6 million: Every year, more than 3 million Americans find work through a staffing organization. It may be temporary, part-time, full-time and could range across industries and job levels, but the staffing industry is clearly providing a direct pathway to employment for significant numbers of American workers.

84.5%: This is the most recent Net Promoter Score for Integrity Staffing Solutions, a number that we are eager to celebrate. The NPS showcases client satisfaction with a company—and our score is a stamp of approval from our client base! The company behind the NPS system has stated that any score above 20 is good—but those over 80 are considered “world-class.” We couldn’t agree more!