Shaking Off The End Of Summer Scaries

Shaking Off The End Of Summer Scaries

We’re all familiar with the Sunday scaries, right?

That feeling of disappointment or even dread knowing that the weekend is coming to an end, and you have to return to work or school in the morning. Well, how about the end-of-summer scaries? Even if you’ve never used the term, chances are that you’ve certainly felt its meaning!

The summer season carries an air of freedom and fun—no matter what stage you’re at in your life. Whether you’re enjoying a break from a busy school schedule or just looking forward to some extra outdoor time to help you unwind from your stressful day of work, summer can be a big sigh of relief for many people. That’s why, as we close in on the end of August, the prospect of saying goodbye to this season can be a little sad—and even downright scary.

So, if you’re dealing with a case of the end-of-summer scaries, here are a few tips to help you stay calm and head into the rest of the year with a positive, can-do attitude:

Take a look back—to look forward

Sure, the summer is wrapping up, but that doesn’t mean it really has to end. After all, many of the experiences you had over the last few months taught you something—and you can take that with you into the future. Spend some time reflecting on what this summer taught you—whether it was a new skill you picked up, a realization you had or relationships you strengthened—and commit to carrying those lessons forward.

Embrace uncertainty

A lot of people may feel nervous at the end of the summer because the months to come could represent a lot of unknowns: starting a new school semester, looking for a new job, or taking on a new challenge. In both work and life, however, uncertainty is one of the only certain things! So, reshape your mindset: We all face uncertainty, and fearing it will only hold you back.

Reward yourself

Summer is often a time to slow down and take a small step back from the responsibilities many of us focus on throughout the year—a time to invest in self-care. But there’s no reason that same spirit can’t continue throughout the year! Even if you’re ramping back up at work or school, make sure to still pencil in some time to take care of yourself. If you found a new sport you love during the summer, make time in your busy fall schedule to keep up with it. Or if you’re missing a favorite vacation spot you visited during the summer, plan a day trip! Keep yourself motivated by investing in yourself—and you’ll see the payoff!