Central Teams

Central Teams

Hiring in today’s environment is no easy feat, no matter the industry or organization.

And when the hiring is high-volume with a quick-turnaround deadline, recruiters may feel like they’re facing insurmountable obstacles. That’s why Integrity Staffing Solutions layers its recruitment efforts, offering a comprehensive network of local recruitment experts alongside our Central Services Team—a hub of recruiters trained to deliver specialized, on-demand hiring support services that can enable your organization to hire faster, smarter and more cost-efficiently.


How does the Central Team work?

Our Central Team supports the work our local recruiters do both on behalf of clients and candidates. As the local branches interface directly with clients and help them carry out their respective hiring strategies, the Central Team works behind the scenes to drive those efforts, enabling them to scale and respond quickly developing or unexpected needs. Vital to this approach is the innovative use of technology. As customer and candidate expectations evolve to include a heightened emphasis on tech—in order to fuel a seamless and quick experience—our tech stack has developed to meet those needs.


What sets us apart?

The Central Team is able to embrace these shifts through tools like Integrity Staffing Solutions’ Opportunity Engine (OpEn). The platform allows candidates to take control of their application process, with quick access to open positions and the ability to apply, be vetted and get hired with just a few clicks, all through their mobile device. On the back end, technology like OpEn creates new opportunities for the Central Team to efficiently funnel candidates into jobs, drive the greatest productivity and help clients quickly scale their teams—including into different markets—to meet their needs. This level of flexibility is unmatched in the industry, offering our customers a unique opportunity to take their hiring—and their business—to new levels through innovative approaches to hiring.


Virtual recruiting and hiring will be the cornerstones of the future of talent acquisition, which is why Integrity Staffing Solutions builds our strategy around this foundation. For instance, the Live Expert Anywhere feature blends the best of technology with the best of human resources, using videoconferencing and omnichannel technology to allow recruiters to conduct face-to-face interviews—some in less than 10 minutes—all without candidates having to leave their own living room. Applicants can also access the platform to complete onboarding paperwork, have questions answered and more. With our tech-driven virtual hiring, recruiters are able to interface with candidates in an experience that is intuitive for both and provides applicants convenience and personalization—giving our clients the best opportunity to bring in top talent.


A modern solution

As the labor market continues to heat up, it’s never been more imperative that employers heighten their hiring game. The pandemic and the shift to remote and hybrid work have radically redefined the world of work and, as employees reassess what they want from their careers, it’s leaving many employers with an unprecedented demand for workers. That means organizations today need to hire fast and they need to hire smart; candidates could have a wealth of options on the table, so if your organization doesn’t stand out from the start, you likely will lose out on talent.


Not only does the Central Team’s reliance on forward-thinking technology make it easier for clients to staff up quickly to meet this demand, it also helps clients provide an exemplary candidate experience that meets—and exceeds—the expectations of applicants from the start. Employees today expect technology to be part of the application process: They rely on tech to power all facets of their personal and professional lives, so it follows that they would want to utilize tech tools to take the next step in their career. But they are also increasingly expecting the technology experience to be seamless—with applicants accustomed to browsing for entertainment via Netflix or ordering groceries with a few clicks, how candidates interact with the organization needs to be equally straightforward. The speed that accompanies that streamlined hiring process doesn’t only benefit the company; it fits what modern employees are looking for as well. No longer are applicants on board with lengthy interview processes and rounds of red tape before their first day and, with ample opportunity out in the market, employers today need to step up to the plate to provide an experience that embraces innovation.


While technology underpins the work our Central Services Team does, these recruiters also recognize the value of an associates-first approach. Our staffing agency is built around the principle that associates are the backbone of any organization—and the happier they are, the better the company performs. With robust benefits, learning opportunities, resources for development and more, we strive to help clients invest in their associates—to ultimately help their organizations and their employees realize a brighter future.