Resume and Interview Tips for Job Hunting

In the current economic uncertainty — what with employers furloughing, laying off and not knowing when/if they can reopen — recruiters with open roles have an unprecedented number of candidates to review. It’s up to you to ensure that you are noticed and make a great impression on them.


Integrity interviews thousands of applicants per year — sometimes even per month. Check out these insider tips from our Director of Talent Acquisition.


Your Resume


  • File Name – Don’t save your resume with any of the following: MYRESUME, FINALDRAFT or a date that is not the current date. When I see a resume file named with a previous year, I question why this person has been in the job market for so long, as well as their attention to detail.
  • Contact Information – Triple check that your phone # and email address are complete and correct on your resume document.
  • Email address – Should be professional. In other words, nothing like If necessary, create a new email address just for managing your job search.
  • Email Inbox – Check your junk mail for responses to your online applications. Many companies are automating initial contact, and your computer may have unknown filters that block certain job sites or even company names.
  • Writing Style – Please oh please don’t use ALL CAPS. ANYWHERE. Just use your full name.
  • Objective – Leave it off your resume, especially if it does not match the job you are applying to. We already know your objective is to get a new role with our company. And believe it or not, I do often get resumes with that discrepancy, such as the job they’re applying for is Operations Manager but their objective is Program Manager. Again, the lack of attention to detail will be clear to recruiters.

Your Interview

When you get called or emailed from the recruiting team to learn more about you, be ready.


  • Track Your Applications –  With “one click apply,” it’s easy to apply for lots of positions — and then forget which ones you’ve done. Keep a spreadsheet you can easily find the info or follow up if someone contacts you. HR and recruiters don’t want to hear, “I applied for so many jobs I don’t remember this one.”
  • Learn About the Company – This demonstrates to recruiters that the candidate is engaged in their own job search. We want to know that you read the job description and understand the company. Review the company’s About Us pag on their corporate website, check out their social media and learn who they are. You want your career to match with your values.
  • Prepare Your Answer – If you are asked, “What do you know about us,” have at least a basic answer. Don’t reply with, “not much.” Instead, say something like, “I did some research when I saw the posting and here’s what I learned.” It only takes a few moments to research before an interview to have a  great answer ready.
  • Sell Yourself – Think about your interview like you’re appearing on Shark Tank. The investors are the potential employer and you are selling yourself to the. Be ready with examples of your value, know your worth, know your numbers and be genuine. Listen to the questions that are asked – if you’ve watched the show, you’ve seen how often are people tripped up because they rehearsed and lost track under pressure instead of being comfortable with their business.
  • Have Questions at the End of the Interview – If I end an interview and the candidate has no questions for me, I question their engagement and true attraction to my company and the role. Some great questions that are always good are: Why is the role open? How is success measured? What do you like about the company/role? What is the on-boarding plan? Is travel required? What are next steps? Ask questions after each interview if you have more than one with that company.
  • Ask for Feedback and Next Steps – If you are told you are moving forward to the next step in the hiring process, don’t be afraid to ask how you can prepare for the next interviewer. Ask for their name and title. Ask what you can expect and timeline for the interview with that person. If a recruiter does not prep you without your asking, usually they will do so if you ask for those details.


Use these tips and get out there and nail that interview!


Part Two – Accepting Your Offer & Owning Your On-Boarding is coming soon!

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