Make The Most Out Of Your “Down” Time

Make The Most Out Of Your Down Time

The winter doldrums often bring with them a lot of down time.

If you’re stuck inside on a snow day, resting up from a sickness or just in between jobs, you may find yourself taking up a lot of real estate on your living room couch! While kicking back with Netflix or a good book every now and then is certainly important for self-care, you might also want to devote some of that time to professional development. While the concept sounds pretty formal, there are actually some easy steps you can take to gear up for your next role—without even leaving the comfort of your couch!

Here are a few ideas to help you stay focused and motivated this winter:

Take an online course

While enrolling in an in-person career development program can seem a bit daunting, you can get the same lessons right in your living room with a virtual class. Whether you want to target specific skills needed along your career path or just brush up on those that can help any employee find success across industries and roles, an online program is a convenient way to do so. Integrity Staffing Solutions recognizes the value of such initiatives and offers associates access to Next Step U—an online skills training program designed to help workers be proactive about developing their career.

Update your profiles

Whether it’s a paper resume or your LinkedIn page, chances are your profiles could use a winter refresh! Take a deep dive by looking at your recent experiences, skills, connections and more.


Making connections from your couch may sound a bit challenging—but in this COVID age, it’s one of the best ways to network! Join a professional organization in an industry you’re in or looking to break into or even an employee resource group at a current job. The more people you meet, the more skills you will develop and the more connections you will make that can help take your career to the next level.

Keep a journal

Even if you’re not the writing type, try to push yourself to jot down some thoughts about your professional goals. Write down some skills you’d like to develop, positive (or negative) work experiences you’ve had, accomplishments and more. Revisit the pages often to glean new insights that can help you in future experiences.

Often, the cold, winter months can feel uninspiring—but they don’t have to be! Reframe how you think about professional development by making the practice a fun and informal one—an opportunity for you to take stock, refresh and face the next season of your career with excitement and energy!