Stress Stats: Five Fascinating Facts You Need To Know

Stress Stats: Five Fascinating Facts You Need To Know

Did you feel stressed today?

Well, chances are, you did—and you’re certainly not alone! America is the most “stressed-out” country right now, and it’s taking a toll—on our physical, mental and emotional health, not to mention our careers!


This Stress Awareness Month, here are a few surprising numbers to help you put your own stress in perspective (and then get ready to tackle it!):



The percentage of Americans who report being stressed at work, according to The American Institute for Stress. While factors like money and health also play into Americans’ stress levels, work is consistently rated as the top factor contributing to stress.


1 million

Number of Americans who miss work on a given day because of stress. The Huffington Post reports that chronic stress can contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and depression, along with extensive physical health complications, all of which can drive up absenteeism.


$1 trillion

With employees missing so much work because of stress, it’s having an impact on employers as well. The World Health Organization estimates that businesses around the globe lose about $1 trillion each year, as productivity drops when stress rises.



Percentage of people who say stress is dragging down their physical health. According to the American Psychological Association, stress is connected to chronic health conditions like sleep deprivation, digestive problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, and more.



This percentage of Americans say they are stressed out every single day, according to The American Institute for Stress. And our country is suffering from a stress crisis: Globally, daily stress levels sit at 35%, highlighting the extent of the problem in the U.S.


Feeling stressed about all of your stress?

Recognizing the problem stress may be playing in your own life is certainly a big first step toward addressing it. Even if you feel like you have a good handle on stress, the stats above show that it likely may be playing more of a role than you even realize! And given the widespread impacts untreated stress can have on your well-being, it’s critical to take action.

Building stress-relieving strategies into your daily routine can be a significant game-changer: Yoga, meditation, exercise, and mindfulness moments—all have been shown to help people approach the unavoidable daily stressors we all face with more resilience. Whether at work or at home, understanding how to center yourself and breathe through (sometimes literally!) the stress can help improve your focus, your relationships, and your entire outlook—and drive you to be the best you can be!