‘May The 4th’ Be With You: Your Jedi Job Search Guide

May The 4th Be With You

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…you were searching for your next job.

Actually, that may be happening right here, right now! But if you find yourself struggling for inspiration as you aim to step into your next role, you can always draw some inspiration from everyone’s favorite phenom, Star Wars. You may be thinking, what does a fictional universe full of rebels and Wookiees, lightsabers and spaceships, have to do with my job hunt? It turns out, a lot!

Central to the sci-fi masterpiece is the idea of The Force—the power that guides the Jedis, the heroes of the story. To capture and master its energy, Jedis have to be disciplined, committed, willing to train, able to embrace peace and calm over emotions. Sound familiar? You may not be looking to conquer the Death Star, but embracing a Jedi mindset can help you stay focused, confident and always willing to learn—enabling you to find success in your own quest, whether that be as you pursue a new role, think about a career change or just bring some clarity to the path you’re on.

Here are a few ways to bring the Jedi approach off the big screen and into your own life today:

Do your research you must

If Yoda was in charge of your next job search, he would advise you that a true Jedi puts in the work to find a company and a position that are the right fit. Even before you hit “apply,” be diligent and learn about the organization you’re considering—including its stance on issues important to you, like flexible work and investment in diversity. When you put in the work up front, it makes landing the right job all that much easier.

There’s no such thing as luck:

This is the perspective of Obi-Wan Kenobi—and it can serve job-seekers well, too. Don’t just assume you’ll luck into the perfect job: You have to make it happen!

Watch out for the Dark Side

There are a lot of variables that could derail a job search, but one of the most damaging is self-doubt. Don’t let fear of not succeeding stop you from going after a role you really want or cause you to not bring your A-game to the process.

Do—or do not—there is no try

This gem from Yoda can serve as a great motivator for you to chase what you really want out of your career. Think you deserve that promotion? Ask for it! Always curious about what it would be like to work in a different industry? Go for it! Been toying with the idea of applying for a job that you worry is a bit out of your league? Just do it! Creating the career that you want may mean that you have to take chances and they may not always work out. But, ultimately, as Yoda says, “The greatest teacher, failure is.”

The Force will be with you always

Just like in Star Wars, true Jedis can always look to The Force for inspiration—in this case, it’s in your own discipline and drive! No matter what challenges you’re facing as you move into a new role, bringing confidence along with you can help you master them.