New Season, Fresh Start

New Season, Fresh Start

This autumn, use that fresh energy in the air to keep yourself inspired—and you’ll be well on your way to finishing 2024 on a high note.

Just as the feeling of freshness abounds in the cooler air this autumn, this season means kids are getting back into the swing of school, parents are navigating the challenges and benefits of new routines, and employers everywhere are gearing up to finish a banner year. And, hopefully after a relaxing summer full of opportunities to recharge and reassess, autumn is an ideal time to dive back into it all—to work, school, or even self-advancement—with both feet in!

Looking for some inspiration? Here are a few places you can focus on your fresh start:

Level up your career

Making a big move—to a new role, company, or even industry—can be daunting, and it’s something most of us put off until the “time is right.” If you’re looking for a fresh start, then that’s the time! Work is no longer something we go to but rather something we do—and it should be something you love. So, if you’re looking for more meaning and purpose this fall, your career is the ideal place to focus.

Before you start clicking “apply,” do some prep work: Update your resume, refresh your reference list, and maybe even take a new course or training program to upskill yourself a bit for the role you really want. And then, jump right into the candidate pool!

Make your relationships work better for you

Whether it’s at work or at home, our relationships make our days worth it—or, if they need some work, can drag those days down. Now is the time to take a big picture look at the relationships that are central to your life and think about how you can both get more out of them and give more to them. That may mean being more intentional about touching base with old friends, finding new ways to connect with virtual colleagues or being proactive about adding new voices to your circle.

Center yourself

Between work, school, family, and everything in between, “self-care” often takes a backseat in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. However, that could be a big mistake, both personally and professionally. Research has shown that when we tend to our own well-being, we show up to the relationships in our lives and to our work much more clear-headed, creative, and collaborative—the perfect recipe for success. Instead of trying to make New Year’s resolution-style commitments this autumn, just invest instead in prioritizing yourself—whatever that means to you! It could be an occasional yoga class after work, being more transparent with your loved ones about your needs, or finally taking that mental health day off work.

This autumn, use that fresh energy in the air to keep yourself inspired—and you’ll be well on your way to finishing 2023 on a high note.