Feeling sluggish at work? Use your 15-minute break to get that energy up and finish the day strong! Try to stay away from the vending machine and pack these healthier options instead.
Protein is best for long-term hunger prevention, so you won’t need another snack until dinner. They also don’t cause blood sugar spikes and crashes like carbs. Try:
Protein bar (but check labels for sugar content)
Nuts and/or seeds
Jerky (now available in lots of options, thanks to the Paleo Diet movement)
String cheese
Carbs deliver a fast fix of mental or physical energy. Whether you crave sweet or salt, there’s a high carb snack for you:
Dried fruit (raisins, banana chips, etc.)
Fresh fruit/veggies that have long shelf-life (apples, pears, oranges, carrots)
Dark chocolate bar with at least 60% cacao (less fat, more antioxidants)
Rice cakes
Veggie chips
Pretzels (also low in calories)
High fiber foods also keep you feeling full as well as your digestive system running smoothly.
Whole grain cereal packets
Whole grain crackers
Fiber cookies
Get the benefits of each type of snack and cancel out the negatives by eating them together. For example:
Trail mix (dried fruit for carbs, nuts for protein)
Veggies (carb) with cheese (protein)
Whole grain crackers (carb, fiber) with peanut butter (protein)
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