Make The Most Out Of This Bonus Day

Make The Most Out Of This Bonus Day

You’re certainly not alone if you’ve wished for more hours in the day, or more days in the week. Sometimes, it just feels like there’s not enough time to get done all we want to! Wouldn’t it be nice for a bonus day to make some real progress on that to do list without feeling so rushed?

Well, this year you get lucky—because it’s a Leap Year! That means we get one extra day in February, and that can be a perfect opportunity for you to make some big leaps yourself, both personally and professionally.

3 strategies for Leap Day success

When you try to pack a lot into one day, it’s easy to feel rushed and like you’re not giving your all to your obligations. That could be work tasks, family relationships or pursuing your own passions. Without that feeling of focus, you might see your motivation dip and your drive to accomplish your achievements waver.

Use this Leap Day to reclaim that time! Here are a few simple ways to make the most of this bonus day:

Get Serious About Your Skills

In today’s rapidly changing world of work, the most successful employees are those who have continued to hone their skills. That could be related to tech know-how like generative AI or more “soft” skills like time management in a remote environment. But finding the time to work on developing those skills can seem like a chore. So, use this Leap Day to prioritize your upskilling. Sure, you’re not going to become an AI wizard in one day—but you can take the first step! Sign up for an online class, sit in on a webinar or even just take stock of your current skill set and where you’d like to head.

Do Some Job Hunting

f you’re in the market for a new position, you know that finding the right-fit job can be a lengthy process. But you can certainly dip your toes in the water this Leap Day! Start by figuring out where you’re going to search. Make a list of the industries or specific organizations you have your eye on, and the organizations that can connect you with such roles. For instance, Integrity Staffing Solutions’ Facebook page features links to local sites where you can get all the latest news and events about job openings in your area.

Work On Self-Care

While Leap Day is an ideal time to take a step forward in your career, you can also use some of this extra time to take a step back! Self-care is critical to developing a positive mindset and boosting your motivation—which can, in turn, help you strengthen your professional footing. So, set aside some time today to go for a walk or run, read a book, meditate or connect with friends.

We hope you can use this Leap Day to recharge, refocus and reprioritize—so you can start March with a new sense of motivation!