National Update Your Bio Day

National Update Your Bio Day

If you’re on the hunt for your next job opportunity, you probably know all too well all the prep work that can go into getting ready for the interview. (Not to mention, the anxiety!)

While touching base with a recruiter or hiring manager in person or virtually is an important aspect of the hiring process, the chances are they’ve already done their homework on you—through your resume and online profiles. So, before even worrying about the job interview, it’s important to first make sure your bio is telling your future employer what you really want them to know about you.

And given that Aug. 10 is National Update Your Bio Day, now is the perfect time to do just that!

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you perfect your profile so you can score the perfect opportunity:

Keep Things Current

It can be easy to lose track of all the experiences you have at various employers, through volunteer and community work you’re involved in or skills you pick up along the way. So, don’t wait until you’re actively job hunting to update your resume and online profiles! As soon as you complete a training course at your current job, for instance, pull up your bios and add it—you don’t want to forget or lose the important details. It’s important for potential employers to get the full—and most current!—picture of you.

Be Transparent

Not everyone’s work profile follows the same continuous path—and that’s OK! If you have gaps where you weren’t working or periods where you did some job hopping, don’t shy away from that. No matter what your circumstances were, it’s certain you picked up valuable skills or had impactful learning experiences—share them on your profile! For example, if you had a child and were out of work for a time, be sure to share all the transferrable skills you developed adjusting to new parenthood. Like never before, employers today aren’t expecting workers to come straight from a college degree and continue in the same industry—they want varied experiences, so be transparent about yours!

Pay Attention To Social

While many employers still rely on paper resumes or online applications, it’s likely that recruiters may also poke around your wider digital footprint—from LinkedIn to Facebook and everything in between—before reaching out to schedule that interview. So, make sure your online profiles are job-friendly. That can include a professional-looking profile picture and details on your most recent jobs and skills, along with being free of any controversial or offensive postings.

Whether you’re settled into a great gig or are keeping an eye out for a new role, take the time today to update your bios—and then get ready to land your next best opportunity!