Your Guide to Wellbeing in the Workplace

Your Guide to Wellbeing in the Workplace

From COVID-19 to a push for racial justice to political upheaval to global conflicts—the last few years have given today’s employees plenty to worry about.

The pandemic, in particular, completely transformed the world of work: Many employees had to start figuring out how to find success in remote or hybrid work and adapt to new norms and dynamics, all while possibly taking on new caregiving duties—not to mention, managing the fear and anxiety associated with navigating a worldwide health crisis! To put it mildly, workers today have plenty on their plate that’s impacting their mental health.

And it’s showing up in the trends we’re seeing. The Great Resignation, for instance, is considered to be an outcome of workers coming to terms with the unhappiness they may have felt and taking more control over the direction of their career. That’s going hand in hand with a newer catchphrase, “quiet quitting,” where workers who may be eyeing up the door—perhaps because their mental health isn’t where it should be due to conditions in their workplace—are taking the back seat at work, doing the bare minimum to get by.

Before you get to that point, it’s important to take an important reality check: Your wellbeing is important! How you feel mentally impacts every single corner of your life: how productive and engaged you are at work, how driven you are to advance your career, how you interact with co-workers and supervisors, how you manage the integration of your work and home lives, and how you maintain the personal relationships that are at the heart of everything in your life. So, isn’t it time to make you a priority?

Here are a few quick tips to help you take stock of your wellbeing and head down a healthier path:


Are you feeling like you’re always bringing work home, and always bringing your home to work? Balancing these two very crucial part of our lives isn’t easy, but it’s necessary for a healthy mindset. Start by setting clear boundaries: When you’re off the clock, don’t take work emails or calls or catch up on tasks; instead, focus only on the present! And when it’s time to focus on work, stay just as present so you can give it your all. Work/life balance won’t always be exactly equal, which is why the goal of healthy integration of your work and your personal life is a more realistic goal.


If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like your mental health isn’t where it should be, don’t hide that! Be open with a supervisor, HR representative or a trusted colleague, and be willing to tap into resources like an employee assistance program for support. Hiding mental health struggles can only negatively impact your performance at work; if you’re open and proactive about tackling issues related to your wellbeing, the right workplace will help you find a way to work through it.

Healthy habits

If you care for your wellbeing at home, the effects will bleed into the workplace. Healthy routines like exercise, good nutrition, yoga, meditation, journaling and therapy can all set you up for success, both at home and at work. The more you invest in yourself, the greater payoff you will see!