3 Recruitment Marketing Mistakes (And How To Fix Them)

3 Recruitment Marketing Mistakes - And How To Fix Them

When HR and recruiting professionals think about attracting talent, they may consider the traditional approaches

Whether it be direct advertising, working with a staffing agency, or job fairs – those methods must certainly be part of any winning strategy, there are also a number of opportunities that exist more in the realm of marketing. And if you’re not yet taking advantage of them, you may be missing out on the chance to get a step ahead in the war for talent.


Here are three marketing mistakes employers commonly make, along with recommendations for getting your people strategy back on track:


Employer brand

Lately, layoffs have been unfortunate for many employers, grappling with economic uncertainty and fears over a possible recession. While they may be unavoidable for some, there are ways to roll layoffs out—including if they’re a regular part of your strategy for part-time and seasonal workers—without damaging your employer brand. Be transparent and upfront with workers about all aspects of a layoff, including the timeline and details regarding health insurance and pay, and put employee well-being front and center—offering job-search assistance and referrals. When employees separate from the company and the transition is handled with empathy, they will remember—and share—that; but if employers neglect the human aspect, they could be setting themselves up for long-term damage to the brand.


Internal mobility

While employers sink significant money into recruiting and hiring external talent, in uncertain times like these, promoting from within is a cost-conscious people strategy many employers are turning to today. But failing to properly market these internal opportunities to your workforce will make that strategy fall short. Posting positions on a company intranet, investing in a talent marketplace platform, and creating regular communication about internal mobility, such as through a weekly newsletter or in-person events, can create inroads for both workers and the organization.


Content opportunities

To hire top talent, employers need to go where the workforce is—and for many, that’s social media. Ample opportunities exist across social media for building the employer brand and even directly recruiting new hires; employers just need to be prepared to take advantage of them! Upskill your people team on the latest recommendations for using social media for recruiting, continue to keep your brand at the forefront as you ramp up your online presence, and don’t forget to leverage other cost-effective content opportunities like company-sponsored blogs. The greater your digital presence, the more prepared you will be to compete for today’s talent.

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