Why Prioritizing Your Health Could Be The Key To Career Success

Why Prioritizing Your Health Could Be The Key To Career Success

Taking better care of our health is likely a goal for many of us—but it’s also one of those tasks that easily falls down to the bottom on our list of to-do’s.

When we feel relatively healthy—and our everyday work and home lives are so hectic—focusing on the what if’s may seem like too much of a chore. However, failing to be proactive about our health, or even neglecting it, can have dire consequences for all aspects of our lives, including our careers.

Consider, for instance, that this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. About 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Apart from the devastating physical and mental impacts, a cancer diagnosis can be life-changing, leading to reduced working hours or even job losses, which can complicate the already-challenging financial aspects of a serious health condition. But with a smart prevention-focused healthcare plan, many patients can temper the effects of the disease and keep their personal and professional lives on track. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, there are nearly 4 million survivors currently in the U.S., largely because of advances in early detection; when breast cancer is caught in its earliest form, the organization says, about 99% of patients survive at least five years.

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is certainly worth a pound of cure.


So, how can you focus on prevention and prioritize your health? A few simple ways.

For one, be vigilant about screenings. Understand the medical recommendations for your age and health risks and plan accordingly. Don’t ignore your annual physical—or even regular dentist and other healthcare provider check-ins; the more you tend to your health, the more likely you are to catch potential problems before they start. And doing so can give you the confidence you need to keep moving in your career.

You can also build healthy habits into your daily routine. Sure, an apple a day can keep the doctor away—but so can yoga, working out and eating other healthy foods! Set aside time each day to work on your health: From meal prep to going to the gym, making time for your physical health doesn’t have to be hard, but it can make a world of difference for how you feel. And the more you feel your best, the more likely you are to bring your best self to work.

Keep yourself on track by setting goals. This doesn’t have to be rigid, New Year’s resolution-style aims—simply consider how you could make your life a healthier one and brainstorm some ways to get you there. That could be losing some weight (don’t box yourself in with a number!) by a certain date, getting more adventurous with your eating habits or finally making that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off.

Finally, health isn’t all about the body; the mind is important, too. Tend to your mental health with the same care as your physical health, whether that is through regular therapy or stress-reduction strategies. Getting both your body and mind in top shape can fuel energy, productivity and creativity—all of which are critical to career success.