New Year, Fresh Start: Let 2022 Bring Out the Best YOU

Let 2022 Bring Out the Best YOU

New Year’s is finally here!

While the holiday is one of the most anticipated celebrations of the year, it’s not just an opportunity for a great party—the dawn of a new year brings with it the promise of new experiences, new adventures and even new challenges. With all that potential, one of the best ways to mark the new year is by embracing a total reinvention: New year, improved you!

Usually, New Year’s resolutions can be a bit predictable: How many of us have committed to new diets, joined a gym or promised to save more from our paycheck every month? And how often have those resolutions really lasted? If you want to get away from that tradition, this year invest your time and energy instead into completely rebranding yourself—it’s such a rewarding practice that you’ll find it easier to stick to than your run-of-the-mill resolutions, and you’ll get to reap the benefits for years to come.

How exactly can you rebrand? We’ve all seen the success stories (and maybe some failures too!) of companies that have rebranded, and you can take a page right out of their book if you’re looking to reinvent yourself. It’s all about taking a big picture look at your life and seeing where you want to head—in your career, with your skills and interests, even with your relationships—and then taking small and continuous steps to reframe how you think about yourself and your path.

Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

Overhaul your social media

In today’s times, social media is tightly tied to each of our personal brands; it’s the way we show the world—both personal and professional—who we are and what we value. But too often, we let the personal bleed into the professional. So, to celebrate the new year, take a close look at your platforms and make sure they’re projecting the image you want to carry with you into the future. Ditch the party shots and opt for a profile picture you’d want your next employer to see. “Like” and follow the pages that can inspire, motivate and connect you to your future goals.


Refresh your resume—on paper and digitally

The new year is the perfect opportunity to reevaluate your CV, even if you’re not on the hunt for a new role. Remove all of those stale, cliché words and let your experiences speak for themselves. Connect with supervisors and colleagues and ask if you can list them as references on our resume for some added credibility. Don’t forget to also spruce up your digital resume. Sites like LinkedIn are a must for career seekers, so spend the time making your profile page shine—a new picture, lots of skills, detailed descriptions of all of your work.

Get out in the community

We all likely have the drive to be more active with the causes we care about, but now’s the time to really put that passion into a plan. Research local community organizations and find the ones that best align with your interests. Volunteer, go to fundraising events, spread the word on social media—no matter how you support the communities that matter to you, it can go a long way toward helping those organizations meet their mission, all while giving you new experiences, new connections and new motivations.

Assess yourself

Periodic reviews at work are common, so why not take the same approach to yourself as you rebrand? Do a deep dive into your strengths and see where you may have some areas you can improve upon. Think about the areas of your life where you think there’s the most opportunity for growth and consider how you can apply yourself to make it happen. Whether you’re focused on landing a new job, deepening your relationship with friends or family, or becoming a more involved citizen, by understanding where you are and where you’d like to go, you can put a plan in action this new year to get there.