How To Keep Up With Your 2022 Goals And Resolutions

How To Keep Up With Your 2022 Goals And Resolutions

The new year is here!

As the celebrations die down and the work that lies ahead of us in 2022 comes into focus, now’s the time that many of us try to stay on track with our goals through New Year’s resolutions. As universal as it is to create these goals, however, we’ve all also likely shared the frustration that comes with the struggle to keep up with those resolutions. Whether you’ve been challenged to get yourself out the door to the gym, to put in the daunting work of climbing the corporate ladder or to do a better job saving for your future, we all know the pain of resolutions that don’t quite pan out like we would want them to.

So this year, instead of approaching your start-of-the-year goals with the same old attitude, why not give the exercise a refresh? Here are a few tips to get you started:

Don’t overcommit

Like with any project, much of the success of New Year’s resolutions is rooted in the planning. As you consider what you want to accomplish this year and the goals you plan to set for yourself, be realistic: If you aim so high that achieving your objectives is just not feasible, experiencing that sense of failure can set you even farther back. For instance, don’t make a resolution to hit the gym seven days a week when you know you have a hectic work schedule, kids to manage and more; instead, commit to a workout schedule that you know you can fit into your personal and professional life—making it much more realistic that you’ll stick to it.

Celebrate the small wins

At Integrity Staffing Solutions, we’re big believers in celebrating our associates: We know that recognition and rewards aren’t just a great way for employers to say thanks for a job well done, but they’re actually really powerful motivators. Take the same approach to your resolutions! Recognize the work it takes to accomplish your goals, even if they seem small: Commit to allowing yourself a small splurge for something you’ve really been wanting if you’re able to stick to your saving and spending budgets for a certain amount of time. Giving yourself a deserved pat on the back can be the shot in the arm you need to keep going.

Seek out support

The saying “it takes a village” isn’t just fitting for parenthood—it’s a reality for many people trying to stick to their goals! A strong support system can be key to finding the energy, belief in yourself, motivation and even time to keep striving toward what you want to accomplish. At home, make sure your loved ones are on board with your resolutions—you don’t want your partner or kids ordering pizzas when you’re trying to cut the calories! And at work, support is just as key. Integrity Staffing Solutions offers our associates a range of benefits to help them meet their career and life goals, such as Next Step U, a free skills-training program—perfect for those whose resolutions focus on learning and development—as well as access to on-demand pay, which will help workers looking to get serious about spending stay on track.

No matter what’s on your agenda for 2022, we hope you have a year full of health, happiness and exciting opportunities to strive toward and surpass your goals!