3 Ways To Keep Positive Amid The Pandemic

3 Ways To Keep Positive Amid The Pandemic

As we approach the second anniversary of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans are suffering under the weight of the weariness.

The prolonged distance from family and friends, disruptions to normal routines, added responsibilities at home and at work are taking their toll—as is the ongoing uncertainty about the future course of the crisis. While many were hopeful the pandemic was winding down a few months ago, the latest surge from the Omicron variant is stirring new stresses about shutdowns, financial worries and more. And all of those concerns can impact not only your personal life but your professional one as well.

But it’s not all bleak! Nearly two years into the pandemic, we’ve all learned a lot—about our strengths and weaknesses, our expectations for both work and life, and how we can motivate ourselves to thrive through challenges. As we settle into 2022, now’s the time to use those lessons to stay positive, focused and forging forward. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track at work and at home despite the pressures of the pandemic:

Focus on what you can control

The health risks associated with the pandemic have both employees and employers on edge, as they grapple with the best way to keep operations going while keeping themselves and their loved ones safe. People around the globe have struggled to maintain normalcy while staying healthy for nearly two years now, shining a light on the stress that can come with situations out of our control. While none of us can influence the latest surge or the development of a new variant, what we can do is concentrate on what we are able to control!

That can include taking precautions in your own life and at work to help yourself feel as protected as possible from the pandemic. Surrounding yourself with loved ones who support those efforts, and even employers that also prioritize your health and safety can also provide peace of mind. At Integrity Staffing Solutions, our associate-first mindset drives us to keep safety at the forefront, with safety training, comprehensive site evaluations and more that are designed to keep workforces and businesses healthy.

Celebrate the wins

While there’s a lot of negative happening in the world, recognizing the positive is a good way to keep moving forward. And there are many things you can do in your day-to-day life to celebrate what you’ve accomplished, no matter how big or small. For instance, create a gratitude list to remember all of the things that you have to be positive about, or reward yourself—with a favorite food or some other indulgence—the next time you reach a goal at work. We all deserve a pat on the back every now and then, and giving it to yourself can provide a boost of confidence to shift your perspective onto the positive!

Take it one day at a time

News about the pandemic is hard to avoid, and that can make it too easy to be overwhelmed by the headlines. So, like with any daunting task, start by just focusing on today! At work and at home, dive into one task at a time, then reassess, refresh and move forward again. No one can predict exactly how 2022 is going to shape up or when we’ll see the end of the pandemic, so instead of looking too hard at the big picture, cut through all the stress and worry by staying in the moment—and from there, you’re sure to find success!