Q3 Industry Pipeline Predictions

Q3 Industry Pipeline Predictions

Here’s what to expect for the world of work for the 2nd half of 2023

Somehow, the year is half over already—and the final quarter will be upon business leaders before we know it. In many industries, Q4 is one of the busiest periods of the year, as hiring ramps up and employers gear up for one last sales push, end-of-year deadlines, and a strong finish. For that work to be successful, leaders need to be prepared—and that’s why Q3 can be a prime opportunity to keep your finger on the pulse and understand what’s coming down the pike.

And this year, that’s a lot! As the post-pandemic world of work continues to take shape, and global shifts have an increasing impact on business strategy, employers should keep their eye on the following trends to make the most of Q3:

Economic uncertainty

Though more than half of 2023 is in the rearview mirror already, the global economy remains just as uncertain and volatile as it was at the start of the year. Many organizations are responding with layoffs, and others are seeking cost-cutting measures like turning to part-time and gig workforces.

While it’s difficult to feel prepared for uncertainty, end-of-year strategizing can take the potential economic fluctuations into account, with more conservative spending—including a reallocated investment in getting more done with less.


For many employers, accomplishing more with fewer resources is becoming a reality—with the help of artificial intelligence. AI, including generative tools like ChatGPT—which is making waves across nearly every industry—is already revolutionizing how work gets done, how people communicate and what employees, customers and communities expect from organizations. AI’s potential, and its role in the world of business, will only continue to heighten in Q3.

From chatbots that interact with job candidates and customers to scheduling assistance, resume reviews and much more, automation through AI is taking the tedious, monotonous work off of employees’ and leaders’ plates—freeing them up to innovate and create. And that’s in part where leaders should be focusing in Q3—the ultimate business goals they’re seeking from incorporating AI into their business strategy. However, rolling out AI isn’t a one-and-done decision; the technology is still emerging and business leaders should tread carefully—not becoming too reliant on AI tools just to save costs and time. After all, the technology is only as successful as the people who program it and the people who use it—so employers can’t forget about the human factor that must remain top of mind for business success.

Employee and customer expectations

Advanced technology is just one aspect of the continuously evolving expectations business leaders are facing from both their employee and customer populations. As tech becomes more embedded in day-to-day life, Q3 will see expectations around business use of tech—in job interviews, customer interactions and more—heighten.

Expectations also continue to change around flexibility—from how organizations conduct their job interviews to how customers can communicate with a business to where employees are allowed to work—and, this quarter, employers should pay specific attention to the needs of their stakeholders. With a business strategy that aligns to customer and employee needs, employers can be primed to take advantage of all of the potential that Q4 can hold.

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