Ready to Embrace Team Flexibility? Start With These 3 Questions

Ready to Embrace Team Flexibility? Start With These 3 Questions

For many companies, the past year has forced their teams to do some serious reevaluation.

Specifically, many of them are revisiting their long-held notions about what a “typical” team environment looks like. Some have transitioned to hybrid or virtual arrangements, while others deal with the logistics that come with having colleagues in several different time zones. No matter the setup, all are embracing new technologies and systems to keep everything moving along like clockwork.


After all, these reimagined team dynamics aren’t necessarily a bad thing. If anything, they’ve forced organizations to get more creative in every way, even with their approaches to workforce management. And that’s where flexible staffing can be a huge advantage.


Build an Airtight Flexible Workforce Strategy

Flexible workplaces differ from organization to organization. Where an ops manager may choose to flesh out their core warehouse team with seasonal hires or skilled independent contractors, a more established e-commerce company may leverage its global reach to build a worldwide remote workforce.


The benefits of a flexible workforce afford businesses the chance to focus on scale, specialization, and speed. On the scaling front, a flexible workforce enables any expansion plans to align with the demands of the business’s growth plans.


In terms of specialization, a flexible workforce strategy allows companies to partner with a staffing partner that can connect them to a deep and talented pool of candidates whose individual skills and background can help them fill any lingering talent gaps quickly.


If a flexible staffing structure aligns with your organization’s long-term growth prospects, you can get started right away. Before doing so, ask yourself the following questions:


  1. What is your ultimate goal?


Wanting to harness the upsides of a flexible team is understandable. However, you need to know what success looks like to ensure you get there. So, map out your team’s future objectives, and then connect those targets with the resources you do and do not have.


For example, you may want to expand your customer call center hours but not expand the physical footprint of your office location. This process can come by hiring a part-time hybrid workforce that features team members working remotely or in person.

  1. Where are the talent gaps in your current workforce?


Would you love to hire a social media whiz who can dust off that stagnant Facebook page or build your TikTok account from the ground up? This sort of niche need falls squarely in the realm of “specialization of labor” and is right in a staffing partner’s wheelhouse.


By working with a staffing solutions provider, you can onboard someone to boost organizational support in the areas it’s needed most. That way, those new hires can then slide into their specific roles, and current employees can continue doing the tasks they thrive at and not spend a lot of time learning a new skill.


  1. How can you set up your team for success?


Productivity won’t just happen through flexible hiring choices. You need to invest in the best systems to remove friction points and allow everyone to do a terrific job.


Remember that you can have all the right people in place but still fall flat without the tools and training to back them up. So, pay attention to everything from your onboarding and orientation processes to your tech stack pieces. Make sure those elements (and others) are on point, so every corner of your flexible workforce doesn’t miss a beat.


Ready to implement flexible staffing for the effectiveness, health, and longevity of your company? Drop us a line at Integrity Staffing Solutions. We’d be happy to discuss the many ways we can help you create a more vibrant, adaptable workplace.